Saturday, February 25, 2012

This Is My Mind On Drugs

As much as I am in the mood to write a blog, my mind and body aren't co-operating. I have been having a little issue with anxiety lately due to an ass monkey ex louse. Yesterday the dr decides it's serious enough to medicate me. He did not inform me that he put me on the highest dose three times a day turning me into a zombie and that I would feel like the zombie next to me just ate the last brain cell that the zombie before him left. See?  I am not even making sense. They keep telling me I will get use it to in a few weeks and feel normal. I'm not sure I want too.

I kind of like not knowing where my head is in relation to my body, I like being disconnected from the idiots around me. I might should have passed up that text I just sent to my ex though. Surely he won't take it serious that I prefer to see him rotting in the corner of a jail cell hiding from all the rapist who are going to adore his pretty blue eyes than to be "nice" enough to buy his girlfriend's car tag for him. Nah, who am I kidding I would have sent a nastier one if my thought process wasn't laying over there in the dog bed with my head.

Now, the side effects of this medication has me a little baffled as to how I am going to recognize them when or if they come. I might be able to pick out the "homicidal thoughts" that are possible as long as I stay around people I like. Which pretty much comes down to my dogs.  I might even be able to pick out "the suicidal thoughts" that might present, mostly because I would be too lazy to do that in my right mind so the extra activity would tell me something was wrong. Diarrhea? I might not catch that one right away but I figure if I catch it immediately after it would still be close enough to count as awareness.

The irritability? That ones going to be a little tricky since I am irritable a lot. I will just have to judge that one by how many people leave the house to get away from me. More than the usual two and I will assume I am having an adverse reaction to the medication and take another one until I have all the teenage parasites cleaned out of here.

But the one that really concerns me is hallucinations. It's no secret I am a ghost hunter, I have done this for many years and belong to a professional ghost hunting team. We travel all over. But I am a sensitive. I talk to, feel and see ghosts. So how am I suppose to know if it is a hallucination or not? What if I get the messages screwed up? What if Ghostie Joe is talking at the same time as Ghostie Jane and I can't tell the difference? What if Ghostie Joe and Ghostie Jane are figments of my imagination and I waste time talking to them? Dear God, I just opened myself up for a ton of nasty email telling me I am crazy for seeing ghosts, they don't exist, etc., which is only going to bring out the irritability and homicidal feelings in me.

Might as well go ahead and take that other pill now so I will have some kind of defense my lawyers can work with.


  1. I have it on good authority that Ghostie Jane wouldn't be caught dead within 100 miles of Ghostie Joe. Bad history there. If you see them together, at least one of them is a hallucination.

    1. Monkey, I knew I could depend on you to clear things up for me!

  2. The day I was diagnosed with cancer - the cancer that was supposed to kill me within the year, BACK IN 2006! That's right! I'm still here bitches!! - Anyway, the docs immediately put me on anti-depressants/anxiety, didn't have a clue why, apparently a lot of people get depressed when they find out they have cancer. I was way too busy for that. I had 4 kids and a grandbaby on the way. However.. Months down the road I was feeling somewhat "blue" - to put it mildly - and then I got the whole idea behind the immediate call to arms for the anti-depressants. I really have no clue what I would've done or how I would've acted without them and I will never know.. Apparently they did their job because I didn't off myself or anyone else, can't really speak to the irritability because I'm always a bitch and if I was supposed to get the shits I'm guessing the other 14 pills they had me taking stopped that from happening. So go anti-depressants/anxiety!

    And I do not think you're crazy with the whole ghost thing. We live in a haunted house and we bring spirits with us every time we move. They're attached to an old hutch I got from an oooolllllddddd man when we lived in Idaho. So we are totally used to be surrounded by spirits, fortunately ours are friendly - for the most part. - The ones attached to my hutch are friendly and the ones who reside down stairs are friendly. The ones that reside upstairs? Not so much. My boys have woken up with scratches all over their torsos more than once and now that the boys are out of the house - for the most part, the youngest keeps coming back.. - The Mister and I hear stuff moving around upstairs all the time and my son will pop back home and ask us if we've been in his room.. A little creepy but we have an agreement. We don't go upstairs and they don't come down.

    1. MiMi, I can show you some pictures of scratches from one of our last hunts on my own son! Email me sometime, I would like to hear more about your ghosts.

  3. Hi i just found you through monkeys blog. The new med sounds like something i may have been on. Might even be on.. Just in case ya wanna ask me about it... My email is linked on my blog.
    I understand the concerns and -adore your sense of humor about it.
    Hang in there".

    1. Off to check out your blog now! I have a sense of humor about everything which keeps me in hot water with my family and friends most of the time. LOL

    2. Tried to email and blogger just gives me some crappy notice about it not being recognized, try mine and see if it will let you email me.

  4. Ps.. I just read your 'about me' i think we might be related ! :))

    1. I am finding so may brothers and sisters since I started this blog I am pretty sure my parents might have been whores! Always glad to have another one, there is power in numbers.

    2. :)) me too -- especially since i find my real relatives have no understanding of my being - blog people are my only family left - cest la shit -- i say :)) (can i say that here?)

    3. There is one thing about this blog Soul, I don't give a shit what language or content is used here. I might possibly be depraved.

  5. I can't wait to read the posts that are likely to be coming in your current state of mind then.

    And I REALLY want to hear ghost hunting stories.

  6. I think I went to the right place this time Soul, sent you an email.

  7. I think my doctor put me on truth serum rather than painkillers, because every time I take them, I end up ringing people and telling them exactly what I think about them. The Spawn calls these pills 'crab tablets' on account of the fact they make me walk a crab...but then I guess you already got that.

    On the subject of ghosts, those damn things have been haunting my arse since I was a child. Had what I called a mischievous imp back in my old flat, who was a real pain the rear. Finally got scared away by something more sinister but that's a whole different story.

  8. I'd love to see more posts about you and ghost-hunting, and I don't think you are crazy. (Well, not whacko-crazy, more like fun-crazy)

    And tell Ghostie Joe and Ghostie Jane to TAKE TURNS.
